How Gum Disease Progresses

A leading cause of tooth loss, gum disease consists of three primary stages. If detected early, it can usually be treated very successfully with gum disease laser therapy in Sugar Land, TX , possibly preventing tooth loss. But if left unchecked, it can do substantial damage to your teeth, gums, and even the bone structure supporting your teeth. However, if you stick to regular dental checkups and practicing excellent oral hygiene, gum disease can usually be prevented. As to how gum disease progresses, the following is information about its stages and symptoms.


The early stage of gum disease, gingivitis affects the soft tissue of your gums. Early on, you may not even notice any discomfort or problems. Gingivitis is characterized by such symptoms as gums that are swollen or bleeding, receding gums, increasing amounts of space between teeth, and experiencing bad breath or a metallic taste in your mouth. If you don’t do anything about gingivitis it will almost certainly progress to periodontitis eventually. The good news is that at this stage, gum disease is reversible with treatment from your Sugar Land, TX dentist..


The second and most advanced stage of gum disease, periodontitis will impact not only your gums but also the bone structure supporting your teeth. If you have not had regular dental checkups, it’s a good bet that once periodontitis is discovered, it will already have progressed to the moderate stage. When this happens, you’ll experience noticeable discomfort, have more parts of your gums become inflamed, have teeth that start to loosen and find your gums are receding. If you notice that teeth are shifting from their normal position, gaps are appearing and you have spots of inflammation on your gums, book an appointment with your Sugar Land Dentist right away.

Advanced Periodontitis

If your gum disease gets to the advanced periodontitis stage, it is very likely that you will lose some of your teeth. When this stage occurs, you will have painful abscesses in your mouth, resulting from an infection that has spread underneath your gums. Urgent dental treatment is essential at this point.

Rather than put yourself through this unnecessary pain and subsequent tooth loss, make getting regular dental checkups with your Sugar Land, TX dentist a top priority. By doing so, you’ll keep your gums healthy and prevent major tooth loss.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a condition that causes inflammation of the gum tissue. It is an extremely common condition. In fact, half of people who are over the age of 30 have gum disease. Gum disease in Sugarland, TX is as prevalent as it is in the rest of the country.

The First Stage of Gum Disease

Gingivitis is known as the mild form of gum disease. It causes redness and swelling in the gums. In most cases, proper oral care can prevent or reverse gum disease. Technically, anyone can develop gum disease. However, chronic substance abuse, certain diseases, inadequate nutrition, stress and hormonal fluctuations can make a person more susceptible to developing gum disease.

The Second Stage of Gum Disease

If gingivitis is not treated, then it will eventually turn into periodontitis. When this happens, the gums will begin to separate from the teeth. Pockets will also develop around the teeth. Untreated periodontitis will often cause the teeth to loosen from their sockets and fall out.

Treating Gum Disease in Sugarland

There are a few ways that gum disease can be treated. Your dentist in Sugarland, TX may recommend scaling and cleaning. The dentist will use a device to clean below the gumline. They will use either an ultrasonic device or a hand tool. Root planing can get rid of the large pockets around your tooth. This may require one or two trips to your Sugarland, TX dentist for gum disease.

There are also medications that can be used to treat gum disease. For example, your dentist may recommend using chlorhexidine, which is a type of clinical mouthwash. It has been shown to be effective at controlling the growth of harmful oral bacteria.

How to Prevent Gum Disease

The best thing that you can do to prevent gum disease is to have regular dental checkups. Most people will need to see a dentist twice a year. However, if you have had a history of dental problems, then you may need to see your dentist more often. At home, you should floss and brush regularly.

Gum disease is a serious condition, but it is entirely preventable. If you have concerns about gum disease in Sugarland, TX, contact your dentist for an appointment today.